Your Climbing Adventures

Your Climbing Adventures

Your Climbing Adventures could see you and your experienced qualified guide, ascend classic rock routes, learn the basics of climbing techniques, or enhance your skill set and become a safer climber able to get the most out of a day on the rock.


For family adventures see Your Family Rocks Adventure.


No previous climbing experience necessary, we can guide and instruct you on all the techniques needed.

guided climbing

Your Guided Climbing Adventures

Your Guided Climbing Adventures could see you and your guide tick off iconic routes such as Savage Slit, Ardverikie Wall or January Jigsaw. If you have a climb in mind or would like some inspiration, let us take the hassle out of the logisitcs and route finding and guide you up the amazing climbs Scotland has to offer!

climbing coacing

Your Climbing Coaching Adventures

If you’re looking to progress your skills, we can guide, instruct and coach you on a range of topics. Below are a couple of examples;

  • indoors to outside
  • Single to multi pitch
  • learn to lead
  • Problem solving

Let us know what we can do for you!

Your Intro to Climbing Adventure

Your Intro to Climbing Adventure lets you experience the joys of climbing, in a safe supportive environment. Under our watchful eyes, start your journey to becoming a safe, independent climber, once you’ve caught the bug there’ll be no turning back!


These can be run as full or half days.

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